Beautiful people!
Thank you again for reading another issue of Love Letters on the Walls, a comic book newsletter from the viewpoint of an ancient soul. I’ll be getting into a few “comic book geek’s paradise” in this issue as we review some of the books I’ve been reading as well as what I’ve been watching, since the month of July was packed with goodies for us comic nerds.
But First!
What an experience it has been developing the few comics I have while gearing up for the next level in my career. Speaking with some amazingly talented people like; Cully Hamner who created the Jaime Reyes’ Blue Beetle, Alex Segura who is writing the current run of Dick Tracy and Edge of Spiderverse, and even Sarah Alfageeh, who wrote and drew the inspiring book of Squire. There are plenty more I’m sure I’ll mention as time goes on, but again I have been SO grateful and blessed to have spoken with these people as I create my next pieces.
Speaking of next piece,
I’m excited to announce the production of my next book which is a one shot titled, The Ronin Craftsman: Legend of Jacob Sriracha and is in dedication to my late brother, Malik Carlvin Smith, who passed away over a year ago.
Being a fanatic of anime and Japanese culture, this book is developed like a manga featuring Malik as a moorish samurai against the dark forces of the night as he attempts to protect his family and the world from a demonic takeover.
With the very talented Mari “Dzhelasi” as the artist and the ever so patient Brittany Matters as the editor, The Ronin Craftsman will be out soon to read and to remember for generations.
Jacob Sriracha Character concept by Dzhelasi
I mean, am I right? Almost two weeks from its release and it’s all my social media news feed can talk about. One thing I truly enjoy about the Deadpool movies is the romanticism of this lunatic. Rather it be actual love and lust or the fandom that is ‘Superheroism’, Ryan Reynolds tends to do a really dope job of showcasing the appreciate of whatever the theme is. Heartfelt pieces all around.
Another great piece of comic book adaptations is the Batman Caped Crusader series on Amazon Prime. If you haven’t had the pleasure, please do yourself the favor. Back to the roots of a detective noir, this Batman series does a great job at telling the people’s stories of Gotham while incorporating the fact that one of the citizens has taken it upon himself to solve the crimes the police department cannot. Besides gender bending some characters for the sake of “innovation”, I do feel this series is a fresh take on my favorite detective.
Besides the occasional nightcap of cartoons and video games, I’ve had the chance to read Mad Cave Studios’ most recent run of Dick Tracy and I must say, I love how violent this has been. The gangs have taken it back to the streets and it is not a pretty sight as those streets run red with, it seems like, everyone’s blood. Growing up, mostly because of Batman, I did love a good detective story which led me to watching the old school Dick Tracy movie or reading a few of the comics when I could get my hands on them and I don’t remember them being this wild.
Chasing down Flattop and some new faces in town, definitely do grace yourself with this series as issue 4 gears up to roll out soon.
I’ve also had the chance read the finishing of Marvel’s Blood Hunt, which at first seemed sort of lack luster, but after reading more of the side stories including the Blood Hunters arc as well as Dr. Strange’s arc, I’m extra geek to see what’s going on with Doom in the next series.
For those who don’t know me, Doom is the ultimate Marvel character in my eyes and anything he goes through is typically worth reading so, I’m looking forward to what’s happening next and enjoyed the Marvel’s Blood Hunt read, overall.
Marvel’s Blood Hunt: 3.8 Guiding Stars.
And now it’s time to say goodbye, to all our company.
As always I appreciate you stopping by to read and don’t forget, do whatever you feel is right and with empathy and compassion is the foundation.
Until next time folks. Chris.Dot