You are history too by Chris.Dot

Beautiful people!

I appreciate you taking the time out to join me once again for another issue of Love Letters on the Walls.

Born a modern African American citizen, it’s very interesting to see the turns society is taking while reading and learning the anthropology of mankind as a hobby. To which I’m reminded on a regular basis that we live history everyday. Everyday; a decision is made, the winds are blown too hard, or this persons remarks alter the course of humanity, be it mentally or physically. It happens everyday, all the time. Rather your actively effecting the times with programming and media or your a piece of the documentation, you are history, too.

Just some food for thought… And now


Seriously though, with the new year afoot I set out to write two graphic novels this year along with some short stories for an anthology idea, the work has been coming along. I’m excited for you all to meet some of my new characters including Tru Young: a young, self-taught martial arts enthusiast with the heart of a black panther and Artie Crumble, a low energy, pessimistic mama’s boy who will learn independence, even if it kills him to do so.

Along with new stories, I’ve also partnered with two new artist for finished scripts, including Sheep, which we’ll be seeing those books along with some crowdfunding projects coming up within the year.

What have I been reading?

At the beginning of the year I told myself I would double up on the amount of Indie comics I review in this newsletter and that does start now. From competing serial killers to parasitic alien invasions, it has mostly been about body count and I feel in these modern times of what seem bleak and trying, it wouldn’t hurt for a bit of tea to uplift the spirits. So, let me begin with…

Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine

Image by Jamal Ogle

An on going series by Scott Snyder and Jamal Igle, Dudley Datson is a teenage genius who enjoys inventing when an adventure falls into his lap in the form of a corgi and wrist watch. I’m only two issues in which are broken into chapters, but I’m already hooked. From an engaging character of color who lacks in stereotypes to intellectual dialogue as well as historical knowledge blended perfectly into the story of time and those who wish to alter it, Dudley Dawson is definitely a fun and recommended read for all ages.

Next up…


Modern day European image says thinner is prettier and unfortunately for Lily and her mother, the generational curse of body image is strong with them. A one-shot in the world of ‘It Happened on Hyde Street’, Devour follows a young bride to be who only wishes to be slim enough to fit into her wedding dress before her wedding when her grandmother presents her with the perfect solution: a fat burning supplement that her grandmother first discovered decades before.

I enjoyed the pacing of this book as it follows three generations of fat burning ladies while giving the reader time to digest the exposition of the Grandmother, Mother, daughter. I also did think it was an entertaining read while portraying the message of how damaging the idea of “body image” is to the average woman. Now, without giving away the major twist in the end, I will say the only issue I had was with the antagonist, Miss Goodbody, and the lack of characterization from her as little to nothing is learned about her by the end of the book. We see her offer these resources of terror up to the public, but not sure what she gains from doing so, nor if she was even human.

Stephen King once said that with short stories, the author owes the reader nothing. To which I believe to some extent and maybe the authors intent was to keep the reader guessing because some things in this world go unexplained, but I do feel dissatisfied with the mystery that shrouds Miss Goodbody and who she really was to the town.

Devour By Maytag Zchut and Leila Leis: 3 stars

One more for the road…

Those Not Afraid

A mini series following serial killers Christopher Ewing and Daniel Dodson as they enter a blood thirsty competition with one another while detectives attempt to solve the series of grotesque murders that ensue. Now this is ongoing series with issue 2 premiering Feb. 12th. During issue 1 we’re introduced to our two leads in an extreme and sometimes feeling, “over the top” manner where we have an American Psycho type killer against a hacker and slasher.

There are some parts of issue 1 where the dialogue felt a bit much and/or too expletive. I also feel as though there are some issues with pacing that happen throughout the book. Re-reading one particular part that stands out, I felt as though there was some story missing as we see a calm Christopher Ewing on one page to him skull fucking some random corpse on the next. It just felt rushed and utilized as a shock value versus characterization. Though, I’d rate this issue one at a 2 star rating, I’m going to stick it out to see where the premise takes me in the next few issues.

Those Not Afraid by Kyle Starks and Patrick Piazzalunga

These are trying times for all type of people and cultures. It’s easy to dismiss the next person’s struggles as we deal with our owns but we must try and do better: be better and approach all things human with empathy and compassion as the foundation.

Of course, I’m really glad you took the time out to read with me and if you don’t want to miss out on future newsletters, projects, or even competitions, don’t hesitate to sign up for the newsletter!

Until next time, beautiful people.


2025. New year, same me: dedicated by Chris.Dot

Beautiful people,

mas tiempo no verlo! A much needed holiday hibernation is the norm for me as I tend to work in solitude while visiting friends and family for festivities. With our first issue of the year, I thought I’d talk a little about my annual process of working on comics, as it’s easy to get lost in the day by day which allows for the year to catch up with haste. Here are some ways I try to keep organized for my projects and personal time throughout a 10 month period..

So, let’s get to it!

Throughout the year I tend to keep a thought pad handy as I’m constantly thinking and creating new ideas all day, everyday. But, in order to get the idea down but not out, I place the idea in my thought pad so that when I’m ready to start a new tale, I’ll have concepts ready to be expanded upon. At the beginning of each year, I take a look at what’s done from the previous year, and what needs to be done to any books in progress.

For instance, with a completed script for Ronin Craftsman: Legend of Jacob Sriracha as well as completion of editing from the editor, a project like this is essentially waiting on the artist: from illustrations to lettering and covers. Whereas, American Bane: A Western Graphic Novella’s script is completed, so the next phase for said book will be locating an editor. So, if I know what I need to get done for this year to be a successful one, I timeline it while creating deadlines for myself as well as the team members working on the projects.

From payments to development, the year is planned before stepping into another story, to which at that point, I even make a timeline and deadlines for the new story as well. This newsletter along with mini series’s like Wei and Extraordinary Adventures of Average Joe are also put into plans for the new year, with more of a broad approach to writing their scripts, as I work on those stories within a day or two and in between being ahead of schedule of full graphic novels.

With that said, this year we’ll be getting some new issues of Average Joe as I prepare shorts for Wei: The Anthology for 2026 as well as the new upcoming graphic novel, now in the works.

Don’t think because I haven’t spoken on nor posted about new comics in months, mean that I haven’t been reading.

Oh, I’ve been reading AND absolutely loving the state of comics these days as we’re still seeing refreshing takes on some old tales, as well as some new books with compelling characters to get lost with.

Now, I’m not usually a big reader of Robin comics from the Batman series, no particular reason besides never got into them, until recently that is. When Dick Grayson is framed for the kidnapping of children and the murdering of their parents, Nightwing fights to clear his name while also struggling with his own past tragedies and the death of his parents. Picking this arc up during the Thanksgiving season, this story was just right for the holiday as Nightwing found family within his friendships and furry friends while also featuring one of my favorite, obscure DC characters, Deadman. Ran as a four part book during Dawn of DC’s Nightwing, I recommend Nightwing’s Fallen Grayson, for anyone who loves a good orphan/family story.

NIGHTWING: Fallen Grayson 5/5 Stars

I’ve also had the pleasure of reading such great comics like; DC’s Plastic Man No More, Batman: The Long Halloween The Last Halloween, which has been phenomenal lately as It takes Batman back to his detective origins, Image Comic’s Sam & Twitch, Ahoy Comics’ Toxic Avenger, but my all time favor series from 2024 will have to be DC’s HellBlazer: Dead in America.

From the artwork and language, to the overall message and tone, Simon Spurrier has done an excellent job at keeping Alan Moore’s voice and vision for an unapologetic anti-hero who may seem like he can care less about the people of this world, yet sacrifices all he has for them.

2024 EncinoMane All Star goes to HellBlazer: Dead in America.

If I had a New Years resolution…

it would be to read and review more indie comics on here. Though I love my Marvel, DC, and Image comics, mostly because it’s what I grew up too, I also do read a lot of random comics, so you’ll be hearing more on those in the upcoming years!

As always, I appreciate each and every one of you, rather you stopped by or not. With empathy and compassion as the foundation, until next time!


Halloween '24 by Chris.Dot

Good evening you beautiful bags of meat.

Welcome to another issue of Love Letters on the Walls. This issue will be a short one as I review two books for a haunting night, like tonight. I also have a special treat for my fiendish fans of the night: inlcuded in this issue is a short story I’ve written for a future project where you’ll read it here first.

Let’s get right to it.

The year was 1962 when the streets of South Central L.A was stalked by a creature of the night known to the public as Blacula. Failing in finding a bride to help rule the night, Blacula was sent to hell to spend the next decades of his life. Fast forward to 2020 and Blacula has pleaded for his life from the dark prince once more before deciding to take his life back into his own hands.


was a refreshing take on a forgotten tale of torment as Blacula figures it’s finally time to take on the head honcho himself, Count Dracula. I thought Rodney Barnes did a phenomenal job at giving us an expansion on Prince Mamuwalde’s lore as we find out Count Dracula betrayed the prince after asking for help against slave traders. Murdering his wife and cursing him with the eternal thirst for human blood, Blacula sets out for the heart of master.

Although, I felt the ending fight with Dracula was a bit underwhelming and the dialogue of some of LA’s residents were cliche, I thought the visuals of the book were fitting as it felt like a fever dream and the overall story an interesting take on a classic, blacksploitation creature feature.

Blacula: Return of the King 3.5 stars

Entertaining Comics has been a staple in the comic book horror world since the 60’s

and they continue to roll out with the ghoulish heat for fans of the fangoria. This year EC releases Volume 1 of the return to the classic, Creepshow. Packed with scary stories and grimy gore, the creators also tend to interact with their readers. From illustrated fans to featured letters, Creepshow’s Volume 1 is a definite must have for the meanders of the macabre. Out now at Image Comics or your local comic shop!

And now

for a tale of terror to end this horrifically haunting night when Stan calls for his ride home from the bar, he may have some alternative intentions for the end of his night in…



Panel One – Outside a small bar sits a car with an LED sign that reads, ‘RYDE’ on it’s hood. It is a beautiful, midfall night as the young crowd roam the streets of the small town for a memorable night.

Panel Two – Stumbling from the bar, STAN (David Harbour) and his group of friends make their exits, speaking their goodbyes. All are dressed in nice suits, but disheveled and drunk as Stan holds a bucket of ice, chilling a few beers.

1.     MAN 1- Don’t forget, we have that meeting at nine am tomorrow.

2.     STAN – And next time, you tell Fred I’d rather lick his salty ballsack than eat at that shithole again.

3.     MAN 3 – You tell’m. I’m not telling him that!

Panel Three – Stan approaches the car and opens the door as he hangs out of it, yelling back at his friends as they jump around one male in the middle of the bunch.

4.     STAN – Hey, congrats again Dylan, on being another stupid, sorry son of a bitch!

5.     FRIENDS (together) – Yeah! Alright! Our boys getting married! Congrats!


 Panel One – The door slams shut as Stan gets situated, placing his bucket of beers on the car floor. Looking at him through the rearview mirror, CECILIA (Kali Reis) watches.

 1.     STAN – How’s the night treating you, hunny?

2.     CECILIA – Is okay. You’re Stan?

Panel Two – Stan looks up, into the eyes of Cecilia, stricken by their beauty.

3.     STAN – Si, senorita. And you’re bootiful. Cecilia, right?

4.     CECILIA – Yes, I’ll be your Ryde driver for tonight.

5.     STAN – Beautiful. 

Panel Three – The car drives off.

6.     SFX – Psk.

7.     STAN – You from around here, sweetheart?

 Panel Four – Stan cracks open one of the bottles of beer as Cecilia looks through the rearview.

8.     CECILIA – Yes and no. From just outside the city so here, often. I don’t think you should be opening that.

9.     STAN – Oh, it’s okay sweety. We’re fine. So, you like the big city then, huh? Ever been up north with the big buildings and skyscrapers?

10.  CECILIA – No, have you?

11.  STAN – I have. I can take you sometime.


Panel One – The two continue to speak through the rearview mirror.

1.     STAN – Hey, whadya say we go someplace quiet and finish this bucket of beer, here?

2.     CECILIA – Oh, I don’t know.

3.     STAN – Yeah you do.

 Panel Two – They continue to speak through the mirror.

 4.     CECILIA – I have to keep working. You’re only my second pick-up.

5.     STAN – You can pick right back up where you left off. Plus, I can pay you for your time.

6.     CECILIA – Heh.

Panel Three – A close up on Cecilia’s eyes through the mirror.

7.     CECILIA – Okay. Why, not.

8.     STAN (O.P) – That’s what I’m talking about. I knew you was a party girl!


Sitting on the trunk of the car, Cecilia stares out into the nightsky as Stan, stands and leans against the trunk, eye goggling Cecilia. Cecilia is dressed in a long, black furry coat, tailored by a hunter of buffalo. Near Stan’s feet, the bucket of beer sits while they’re parked on the side of an empty road that leads from the city to the cornfields of the Midwest. It’s a silent night as the city lights dance in the distance.

 1.     CECILIA – What’s a ‘Northerner’ like you doing down here?

2.     STAN – An old friend decided to tie the knot. Figured we’d party like we used to.

3.     CECILIA – Used to?

4.     STAN – I wasn’t always a northerner. Moved out there for work ‘couple years back.

5.     CECILIA – And you came back for your friend. How sweet.

6.     STAN – That’s me, baby. As sweet as the day they discovered sugar cane.


 Panel One – Stan reaches down to grab a couple bottles of beer while Cecilia continues to stare into the sky.

1.     STAN – Drink?

2.     CECILIA – No, I don’t think it is a good idea. To drink and drive, no? 

Panel Two – Stan reaches in his pocket with one hand as he holds the beers with his other.

3.     STAN – I’m not saying get fucked up, darling. What’s one drink.

Panel Three – Opening one of the bottles, Stan manages to drop something into it with a slight of hand.

4.     CECILIA – True. One drink can’t hurt.

Panel Four – Stan and Cecilia clink their drinks together while staring at one another. Stan, with lustful eyes and a sweaty mess; Cecilia with an emotionless smirk.

5.     STAN – Cheers to you. A real beaut, picking ME up.

Panel Five (SPLIT PANEL) (A) Stan tips his beer up as he chugs it. (B) Cecilia tips her bottle up, as if to chug it, while placing her thumb between her mouth and the bottle’s opening.

Panel Six – Cecilia smacks Stan in the face with the bottle of beer as he’s finishing his.

6.     SFX – CrSH.

7.     STAN – Agh


Panel One – Stan falls to his knees, covering his eyes as blood drips from his head. Fragments of glass are seen in his cheek and forehead as Cecilia stands over him, emotionless.

1.     CECILIA – I guess one drink can hurt.

2.     STAN – The fuck you doing, you fucking bitch!

Panel Two – Cecilia reaches in her jacket pocket as she stands over Stan. Stan continues to shield his eyes.

3.     CECILIA – Yes, yes. Fucking bitch. Yes, yes, stupid whore. Uncle was right, sheep. Every single one of you.

4.     STAN – Th’ fuck are you talking about! Fuck Y-

Panel Three – A needle pricks Stan in the neck.

5.     SFX – Phft.

6.     STAN – What the fuck did you just stick me with?

Panel Four – Stan looks up at Cecilia, holding the back of his neck. His face a bloody mess.

7.     CECILIA – Relax, that was just a sedative.

Panel Five – A blurry POV from Stan showcases Cecilia standing in front of him with a syringe in her hand.

8.     CECILIA – It’s really the next one you should be worried about. (Indistinct chatter)


 Panel One – Cecilia is standing at a wooden work bench inside a rundown, dilapidated barn.

1.     STAN (O.P) – Whu- where am I?

Panel Two – Cecilia turns around with a scalpel in hand and a crooked look, while missing her medical PPE.

2.     CECILIA – Ah, so glad you can join us. Looks like the sedatives wore off quicker than expected. You are a pretty big guy.

3.     STAN – What the hell you doing?

Panel Three – Cecilia takes a seat.

4.     CECILIA – Me? What were you doing? I was just minding my business, making a bit a money when you tried drugging me. Remember?

5.     STAN – Wait. Wait if this is abou-

6.     CECILIA – And here it comes. Again, sheep. You all think alike. With one head or the other most of the time, but all you sheep are the same.

Panel Four – Cecilia lifts up her wrist to take a look at her watch.

7.     CECILIA – Now, unfortunately for you, your sleepy meds woke you up before the numbing ones. So, it’s going to feel like someone poured the heat of the Sun in your pores in about, oooooh, now I’m guessin.

Panel Five – Showing just his head strapped down to a wooden table, Stan screams in agony.


Panel One (Vertical) - Laid across a long, wooden work bench, Stan is tied down by leather straps and stripped of his clothing with Cecilia sitting next to him.

1.     STAN (Bleeding into panel Two) – Agh! Let me go!

 Panel Two - Cecilia slides the scalpel down Stan’s chest, blood dripping down his abdomen. Surrounding the worn-down barn, knives, tools, and skeletons of human remains line the walls in a display.

 1.     CECILIA – I think you mistook me as sheep. Simple mistake. It honestly happens more often than not. But, no, I’m no sheep, I’m a wolf. Raised by wolves…

2.     STAN – Aagh! Let me go you stupid bitch!

Panel Three – Cecilia yanks out Stan’s intestines as she holds them in the air, her face donning a look of delight.

3.     CECILIA - And a wolf’s got to eat.


Well, hope you enjoyed your special treat for this night of tricks as we depart for the time.

Until next time, fiends!

SUNDAY The 13TH by Chris.Dot

Beautiful people,

thank you for joining me again for another issue of comic book mess. These next few issues will more so be reviews on some of the horror and halloween themed comics I’ve been reading/ will read in the spirit of the month. I’m working on a few short horror and thriller stories that I plan on releasing for Halloween 2025, willing I find a suitable artist, that is. And if you’re really good, maybe I’ll post one of the stories for Halloween.


A miniseries I spoke briefly on in a previous newsletter wrapped up recently in time for the spirit of the month. Beyond The Pale by Emgard and Tomas Aira. Vietnam was a harsh place for all kinds of people, and wished to get the true scoop on what was going on in those jungles. Packed with monsters and and malicious deities, I thought this story was an interesting telling on the prejudices black soldiers faced with some of the coolest illustrations I’ve seen in a while. My only thing with this series is the characterization. A lot of the characters felt and read like one another. There were even times where I had gotten confused on who did what because of the similarities in soldiers. Though the main character felt like she had a purpose, there was missed opportunity for a fleet of colorful casts, but everyone else felt like plot pawns, placed to recap for the reader.


Where are my Tales From the Crypt fans at?

Terrifying anthologies raised my childhood from Tales from the Crypt to even Ray Bradbury’s Theater, so any chance I get, I fall into those quick tales of mystery and ONI Press has teamed up with An Entertaining Comic to bring some of the best of the best with their indie series’. Epitaphs From the Abyss, Cruel Universe, even Cruel Kingdom! Short stories like, “A Crossroads Repetition” by Chris Condon where a young man learns what it truly means to make a deal with the devil are what make these series’ fun to read. Not to mention a way for indie creators to get their short, quick ideas out that aren’t made for graphic novels or periodicals.

Welp, that’s all I have for you today ghouls and goblins. I'll be releasing a few of these short reviews this month as I endulge myself in the terror of the season. Hope you stick along with me. Until next time, for even in the spirit of Halloween, empathy and compassion can be found, though, a lot of the time it’s the lack of..

Chris. Dot

Green Hell by Chris.Dot

Hello beautiful people,

appreciate you checking in for another issue of Love Letters on the Walls, where I discuss my indie comic book journey as well as some industry products I’ve been devouring. I only have one issue for September, though this was released late, as I got into an altercation with time, the construct, at the beginning of September: getting my ass whooped and left concussed until now, the end of the month.

So let’s dive right in…

The Legend of Jacob Sriracha is on track for its early 2026 release as I wrap up the edit and we move toward character designs and early pages for this one shot. The month of September was used to mostly focus on this story. I’m excited to see how the artist bring this tale to life with her “manga-like” stye, to which, if you hadn’t had the chance to view some of her work, check it out HERE!

Also, edits of American Bane have gone out to the beta readers. Really excited to work on this one as my love story to not only cowboys, but the early American experience.

“You would not take your place among the parliament of trees, Alec Holland”

This past month I had the pleasure of reading Swamp Thing’s Green Hell by Jeff Lemire: Illustrated by Doug Mahnke.

When the parliaments of life; The Green, The Red, and The Decay, decide humanity has destroyed enough of Earth, the trio team up to extinguish what is left of humanity, but not if the few of remaining Supers have anything to say about it.

Artwork by Doug Mahnke

This book begins with a flooded planet as climate change grabs Earth in a chokehold, driving the last of humanity onto the remnants of what used to be continents when The Green dispatches a new champion to destroy all human life. Scared and desperate, the remaining humans turn to the one human who they think may be able to help, even though he’s a menace to work with: Constatine. Calling on an old friend for one last favor, Constantine drags Alec Holland, Swamp Thing, away from his haven with his family, drafting him as a soldier on the behalf of humans, now.

Artwork by Doug Mahnke

“We either die out there on open water, or we die here fighting for our home. Ain’t no choice at all.”

This series was not only a touching and intriguing story, but the visuals got gory and unapologetic at times which made me sit and look at the detailing of each page for hours. If you know me, one of my favorite DC characters of all time is Constantine, mostly because he’s a witty smart-ass with a heart of gold, though he’s rarely credited for being a “savior” and this book doesn’t skimp on that.

Artwork by Doug Mahnke

With an all star cast of characters from Constantine to Deadman, Swamp Thing’s Green Hell was a fun, damning ride that I thought ended entirely too soon.


Artwork by Doug Mahnke

Welp, that’s all I have for today and I appreciate you taking the time out to read/listen to me. This month I will be doing a few of these as I speak on some of the horror I have been reading. Including; Rodney Barne’s Blackula and Christofer Emgard’s Beyond the Pale.

As always, with empathy and compassion as the foundation of anything we put forth: until next time.


Creator Spotlight: Garth Ennis by Chris.Dot

Beautiful people,

Thank you for tuning into another issue of Love Letters on the Walls. This issue will be brief as I’m working on a couple projects at this time; including Ronin Craftsman and a short story for my fellow “Bonehead” crew, but I still want to publish these, no matter the content.


As aforementioned, I’m currently editing and preparing Ronin Craftsman, which is on track to be released late 2025/ early 2026. Also in the works, a short story in collaboration with the guys over at Bonehead Publications, whom I’ve written and published the short The Curse of the Damnesville Wolf with. This time, we’re headed to a mysterious shop where trinkets and gadgets for the peculiar are often found called, Cobwebs & Curios. To be released sometime in the upcoming months, I find it fun and challenging to write in both realms of comics as well as novelizations. and encourage all aspiring writers/creators to practice the same.

Many authors come to mind

when you ask me what’re some memorable arcs from some of my favorite characters. From Jim Shooter and the first run of Marvel’s Secret Wars to all things Alan Moore did at DC Studios and then some. Stories that push the envelope on “what is a comic book?” is, always drew me deeper into the tale.

One of my favorite, modern authors who tend to bend the norm is Garth Ennis. A lot of you readers may recognize his name as one of the co-creators and writer of The Boys, but I was introduced to him back in the early 2000’s with Vertigo Studios’ Preacher. Following a small town preacher who discovers he has the literal “voice of god” and can make people do whatever or say anything at his will and command. Reading Preacher for the first time I got a glimpse of odd characters like Eugene Root, who had one of the most endearing and relatable stories, yet an absolutely bonkers of a character design.

From illustrations to the shit show his characters tend to create/fall into, Garth Ennnis is constantly showing just how deep and gritty the rabbit hole gets when you pick up one of his books, which includes his most recent run in Marvel with Get Fury.


that’s all the time I have for today as I continue on with these stories. Again, I love and enjoy each and everyone. Yes, that includes him or her, because if I don’t then who will? Remember, with empathy and compassion as the foundation.

Thanks for reading!


DEDICATED by Chris.Dot

Thank you again for reading another issue of Love Letters on the Walls, a comic book newsletter from the viewpoint of an ancient soul. I’ll be getting into a few “comic book geek’s paradise” in this issue as we review some of the books I’ve been reading as well as what I’ve been watching, since the month of July was packed with goodies for us comic nerds.

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