Hello beautiful people,
appreciate you checking in for another issue of Love Letters on the Walls, where I discuss my indie comic book journey as well as some industry products I’ve been devouring. I only have one issue for September, though this was released late, as I got into an altercation with time, the construct, at the beginning of September: getting my ass whooped and left concussed until now, the end of the month.
So let’s dive right in…
The Legend of Jacob Sriracha is on track for its early 2026 release as I wrap up the edit and we move toward character designs and early pages for this one shot. The month of September was used to mostly focus on this story. I’m excited to see how the artist bring this tale to life with her “manga-like” stye, to which, if you hadn’t had the chance to view some of her work, check it out HERE!
Also, edits of American Bane have gone out to the beta readers. Really excited to work on this one as my love story to not only cowboys, but the early American experience.
“You would not take your place among the parliament of trees, Alec Holland”
This past month I had the pleasure of reading Swamp Thing’s Green Hell by Jeff Lemire: Illustrated by Doug Mahnke.
When the parliaments of life; The Green, The Red, and The Decay, decide humanity has destroyed enough of Earth, the trio team up to extinguish what is left of humanity, but not if the few of remaining Supers have anything to say about it.
Artwork by Doug Mahnke
This book begins with a flooded planet as climate change grabs Earth in a chokehold, driving the last of humanity onto the remnants of what used to be continents when The Green dispatches a new champion to destroy all human life. Scared and desperate, the remaining humans turn to the one human who they think may be able to help, even though he’s a menace to work with: Constatine. Calling on an old friend for one last favor, Constantine drags Alec Holland, Swamp Thing, away from his haven with his family, drafting him as a soldier on the behalf of humans, now.
Artwork by Doug Mahnke
“We either die out there on open water, or we die here fighting for our home. Ain’t no choice at all.”
This series was not only a touching and intriguing story, but the visuals got gory and unapologetic at times which made me sit and look at the detailing of each page for hours. If you know me, one of my favorite DC characters of all time is Constantine, mostly because he’s a witty smart-ass with a heart of gold, though he’s rarely credited for being a “savior” and this book doesn’t skimp on that.
Artwork by Doug Mahnke
With an all star cast of characters from Constantine to Deadman, Swamp Thing’s Green Hell was a fun, damning ride that I thought ended entirely too soon.
Artwork by Doug Mahnke
Welp, that’s all I have for today and I appreciate you taking the time out to read/listen to me. This month I will be doing a few of these as I speak on some of the horror I have been reading. Including; Rodney Barne’s Blackula and Christofer Emgard’s Beyond the Pale.
As always, with empathy and compassion as the foundation of anything we put forth: until next time.