Beautiful people,
thank you for joining me again for another issue of comic book mess. These next few issues will more so be reviews on some of the horror and halloween themed comics I’ve been reading/ will read in the spirit of the month. I’m working on a few short horror and thriller stories that I plan on releasing for Halloween 2025, willing I find a suitable artist, that is. And if you’re really good, maybe I’ll post one of the stories for Halloween.
A miniseries I spoke briefly on in a previous newsletter wrapped up recently in time for the spirit of the month. Beyond The Pale by Emgard and Tomas Aira. Vietnam was a harsh place for all kinds of people, and wished to get the true scoop on what was going on in those jungles. Packed with monsters and and malicious deities, I thought this story was an interesting telling on the prejudices black soldiers faced with some of the coolest illustrations I’ve seen in a while. My only thing with this series is the characterization. A lot of the characters felt and read like one another. There were even times where I had gotten confused on who did what because of the similarities in soldiers. Though the main character felt like she had a purpose, there was missed opportunity for a fleet of colorful casts, but everyone else felt like plot pawns, placed to recap for the reader.

Where are my Tales From the Crypt fans at?
Terrifying anthologies raised my childhood from Tales from the Crypt to even Ray Bradbury’s Theater, so any chance I get, I fall into those quick tales of mystery and ONI Press has teamed up with An Entertaining Comic to bring some of the best of the best with their indie series’. Epitaphs From the Abyss, Cruel Universe, even Cruel Kingdom! Short stories like, “A Crossroads Repetition” by Chris Condon where a young man learns what it truly means to make a deal with the devil are what make these series’ fun to read. Not to mention a way for indie creators to get their short, quick ideas out that aren’t made for graphic novels or periodicals.
Welp, that’s all I have for you today ghouls and goblins. I'll be releasing a few of these short reviews this month as I endulge myself in the terror of the season. Hope you stick along with me. Until next time, for even in the spirit of Halloween, empathy and compassion can be found, though, a lot of the time it’s the lack of..
Chris. Dot